• امروز : جمعه - ۱ فروردین - ۱۴۰۴
  • برابر با : Friday - 21 March - 2025
کل اخبار 425اخبار امروز : 0


The starting point!

In 1988, right at the height of the construction of Mobarakeh steel company, this symbol of national honor and at the beginning of the planning period for its exploitation, there was a concern that the organized and efficient facilities and manpower that had been gathered for the construction of Mobarakeh steel would not be scattered and necessary the huge potential that could not only be used for the development and construction of Mobarakeh Steel company is to be properly preserved; Rather, it had the latent capacity to bring prosperity to the country.

It was from here that the idea of forming a group that can maintain the experts and workers and make optimal use of their acquired knowledge and experience in order to continue the achievements was proposed.

Therefore, on the 7th jun ,1988, a company named Mobarakeh Steel Comany Employees Production Company, which was called “Tuka” for short. It was formed with a capital of 3 million Rials and in the form of special shares.


Establishment of Tukafoolad Investment Group Companies

At that time, “Tuka Daam” or current “Tuka Sabz” company, “Mirko”, “Ika”, Part Poolad” and “Behin Rail” were the first Tuka companies that were formed in 1990 And after that, “Tuka Tadarok”, “Tuka Refractory Industries”, “Methyl Steel” and “Tuka Transport” company, in 1991. Also “Tuka Beton” and “Tamco” companies were established in 1992. Then thus Tuka took a new shape as a steel company.


زمان تاسیس شرکت های گروه سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


Entering the Stock Exchange Organization

Following Tuka’s application for admission to the Tehran Stock Exchange in 2000, some issues were raised as a prerequisite for admission to the stock exchange. among which we can mention the necessity of changing the name of Tuka.

After that, Tuka Extraordinary General Assembly was held on the 19th (28) july, 2001, and the name of the company was changed to Tukafoolad Investment Co., Ltd.

In Septembe 2001, the admission board approved Tuka’s application for membership in the stock exchange and Tukafoolad Company was admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange as the 325th company in 2003 and it became a stock exchange company.

The first stock transactions of this company were carried out at the end of April 2003, with the price of 1730 Rials per share.

In order to empower itself for a continuous and strategic presence in Mobarakeh Steel company and also the steel chain, Tukafoolad was still looking for the formation of companies with the purpose of carrying out special missions for Mobarakeh Steel company.

Not just to make a profit, but to maintain the strategic alliance with Mobarake Steel company.

Accordingly, between the years 2001 and 2015, companies “Raahbaran Foolad”, “Behsazan Ghaltak”  or present “Mirco”, “Asia Seir e Aras”, “Ayandeye Behtar”, “Tosseh tuka”, “Tuka Rail”, “Tuka Tolid Spadan”, “Tuka Rang Foolad Sepahan”, “Tuka Nirou Sepahan”, “Tuka Keshesh”,“Foolad kala(Fuka)”, “Foolad e Taraz e Chaharmahal” joined the Tukafoolad group of companies.


Composition of Shareholders of Tukafoolad Investment Company


ترکیب سهام‌داران شرکت سرمایه‌گذاری توکافولاد


Now, 52.57% of Tukafoolad Investment Company’s shares belong to Mobarakeh Steel Company, and 11% of its shares belong to “Mehregan Tamin e Pars” Company. 3.86% of its shares are owned by “Sadr Tamin” Investment Company, 1.50% of it belongs to “Amin Tavan Afarin Saz” Investment Company, 31.07% of it belongs to other shareholders.

At present, Tukafoolad Investment Company is known as an investment holding, which is assigned to invest in investable companies that have value in the value chain of the huge steel business and bring them to their corporate governance by acquiring shares.

In this way, Tukafoolad has a long history and a good reputation and has many years of experience with long-term investment in more than 32 independent companies that operate within the framework of commercial law and independent organizational governance.

It is responsible for the control and management of these companies in the form of 6 groups


۱) Rail transport group

“Tuka Rail” company, “Asia Seir Aras” company , “Tuka Keshesh” company, “Behin Rail” company and “Rahvar Nirou Ariya” company

شرکت توکاریل شرکت سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


۲) Road transport group

“Tuka Transport” company, “Amiran Tarabar e Khaaf” company and “Amvaaj e talayi e Khalije fars” company

شرکت حمل و نقل توکا شرکت سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


۳) Mining and Refractory Group

“Esteghlal Sepahan Raw Materials Procurement and Production” company, “Raahbaran Foolad e Isfahan” company, “Tuka Refractory Industrials” company and “Azar Refractory Products” company

شرکت راهبران فولاد اصفهان شرکت سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


۴) Production industrial group

“Iran Zob” company, “Mirco” company, “Tuka Tolide Espadan” company, “Tuka Rang e Foolad e Sepahan” compcny and “Foolad e Taraz e Chaharmahal” company

شرکت ایران ذوب شرکت سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


۵) Contracting and service group

“Tuka Beton” company, “Tuka Sabz” company, “Behsazan Sanaye Khavarmiyane” company and “Tuka Nirou Sepahan” company

شرکت بازرگانی توکاتدارک شرکت سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


۶) Financial and commercial group

“Tuka Tadarok” Trading company, “Foolad Kala(Fuka)” company, “Mobarakeh Steel Sheet Cutting Industries” company, “Ayand e Behtar” company,“Tosseh Tuka” investment company, “Bahonar” broker company and “Atiyeh Tuka” portfolio management company

شرکت توکا سبز شرکت سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


Tukafoolad Investment Group Companies at A Glance!

Tukafoolad investment group companies with a wide and diverse range of activities and service provision are engaged in playing a role in the huge and extensive steel production support chain.


گروه سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


Getting to Know the Business Value Chain of Tukafoolad Investment Group Companies

The diverse chain that begins with exploration and mining, continues with rail transportation, leads to the production of raw materials, and continues with road transportation. It also employs non-industrial, engineering, commercial and financing services.

Tukafoolad Investment Group, as the main player in supporting this chain, has been able to deserve the title of the largest specialized chain supporting the steel industry from stone to paint and become a successful model of logistics holdings in Iran and the Middle East.


گروه سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


The Scope of Activity and Role-playing of Tukafoolad Investment Group Companies

The scope of activities and roles of Tukafoolad investment group companies is as wide as the whole of Iran. From the great province of Isfahan to the provinces of Khorasan Razavi, Tehran, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari, Yazd and Hormozgan.


نقشه پراکندگی شرکت های گروه سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


Tukafoolad Investment Group Stock Exchange Companies

Tukafoolad Investment Group, in accordance with the strategies determined by the major shareholders and also with the aim of creating the highest possible value for shareholders by identifying pure investment opportunities, reviewing and revising the portfolio of self-made businesses and the exit strategy from businesses that do not provide the interests of the shareholders and at the same time the strategy of entering It has put useful and profitable businesses on its agenda.

This company is currently present in the stock exchange with 7 listed companies:



Tukafoolad Investment Group’s Perspective

Tukafoolad Holding is seeking to gain the top position among the top 20 investment holdings accepted by the Securities and Exchange Organization.


The Strategic Slogan of Tukafoolad Investment Group

Tukafoolad Investment Group in an innovative action: Knowledge-based, Development of market share, Maximum interaction, Financial health, Synergy and teamwork and Agility and speeding up work defined as it’s strategic framework to realize the motto of the year and with this, determines the general course of it’s movement this year and seriously monitors its implementation.


شعار راهبردی گروه سرمایه گذاری توکافولاد


Tukafoolad is proud to have a family of about 8000 people who are engaged in providing services in the headquarters, administrative and labor bodies.

Tukafoolad has played an important role in the establishment and continuous support of the “Amir al-Mu’menin(peace be upon him)” cultural and educational charity institution in Mobarakeh city, especially for abused or neglected girls, and in addition to the countless support it has had in the field of the release of involuntary prisoners and ritual and cultural activities. has left a brilliant track record in the field of social responsibilities.

Tukafoolad is also a pioneer and golden in communication with stakeholders and management of brand and organization reputation.

All of which are the strategic slogans of Tukafoolad Investment Group and the collective agreement of our business partners in a business that today is more than ever at the top of the peaks of honor and reputation.

We know very well our historical role in the construction of dear Islamic Iran and the transition from the historical turn ahead of us and we will stick to our promise.